Photo by Alessandro Zanchini
Opening 3.9 | 8 pm
Transfert path to Abnormals
3.9 - 26.9
“Reproduction of emotions relating to repressed experiences, especially of childhood, and the substitution of another person for the original object of the repressed impulses”
Self - Possession
by Andrea Penzo e Cristina Fiore
This 10 minute performance shows a man (Andrea Penzo) using the body of a woman (Cristina Fiore) as a tool for various purposes. The woman is lying down on a medical bed and several instruments, both medical and fetishistic, are used in combination with the body. The neutrality of the space emphasizes the body’s confrontation with the inanimate objects. The interplay between the two bodies is a balance of trust and faith in the Other. Actions are performed, anxiously but with determination, as if the performers’ lives depend on them.
Andrea Penzo. Born in 1969 in Venice, he lives and works both in Venice and Berlin. He is a visual and performance artist. At present, he is art director of the 3D Gallery and he is one of the founders of the Cultural Association ‘Cantiere Corpo Luogo’.
So far he published 5 books as short stories and romance books and participated on several group and solo expositions. After assimilating traditional techniques of glass making, he felt that glass held by its own a high expressive potential which goes beyond skills or aesthetics, so he contaminated glass with contemporary art.
As ‘guest artist’ he is invited to explore social and environmental themes. His last works are collective projects in video-performance, like “Erosfilia” or “Conservative Forces”, collages and drawings.
Cristina Fiore was born in Oderzo (TV) in 1979. She beguns her artistic track with theater, when she was very young. From 2005 to 2007 worked with the “Teatro Nucleo” in Ferrara and Buenos Aires. Since 2009 the meeting with Andrea Penzo gave a different direction to her work. She created numerous works, including installations, microsculture, collages and above performances.
More work of Andrea Penzo and Cristina Fiore will be shown in Abnormals Gallery:
Exhibition: 4 September- 6 October, 2010
Opening: 3 September 2010, 20 - 23h
Linienstr. 154 - 10115 Berlin
Conservative Forces
works by Andrea Penzo, Cristina Fiore, Elisa Dal Corso, Fiorenzo Zancan and Andrea Rosset
Madri e Figlie
by Chiara Bortoli, Fiorenzo Zancan, Andrea Rosset
Self - Possession
by Andrea Penzo e Cristina Fiore
Especially for the opening, Andrea Penzo and Cristina Fiore prepared the performance "Self-possession", it begins at 21h at KH Tacheles, from where the artists will lead the crowd to the rest of the performance at Abnormals Gallery.